South Florida Blog for Fashion & Lifestyle | Frugal Flirty N Fab!: Friday Foolishness

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Friday Foolishness

I consider myself to be a very understanding person and I know that times are tough right now for everyone, but people we have Got To Do Better! Currently my job is hiring for several different positions but the foolishness I have seen come through these doors in the last two days is absolutely astonishing. Yesterday there was a female who came in with part of her weave undone and a sky blue tank top on. You think to yourself maybe things are so bad for her that she didn't have anything else to wear which would have been fine if she didn't smell like she had just turned up a 12 pack of Heineken in the parking lot. Earlier today we had another female show up with a crochet top with the back cut out, no bra on, midriff showing, two pig tales on her head, and a pair of sandals that you wear to the beach. People lets get it together. Remember you can never get back that first impression so please Lets Do Better!


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