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I Dream in Fashion!

Hello Fab Fashionistas! I'm up early in the morning again blogging but I'm a dreamer and in the wise words of Kenny Burns, "The Dream is Real"! Today I'd like to bring a concept to your attention that I'm not sure you've ever thought of before, and that's having a Fashion Variety Talk Show. When I say Fashion Talk show I want you to think hour long episodes similar to Oprah, and The View. The purpose of my Fashion Talk Show would be to bring together a group of fashions finest to discuss issues pertaining to the fashion industry such as Race in Fashion, Body Images, State of the Runway Model, Fashion Magazines, Fashion Icons, Upcoming Fashion Designers, and People who use Fashion to do good deeds in their communities among a host of other topics. The really great thing about this is due to the power of the Internet and the push for bloggers to incorporate videos onto their sites this is something we probably all could do.  The creativity I see from some of my blogging buddies is simply amazing and I would love to see some  include this idea as a part of their sites.  You know like including a live telecast talking about the new things happening this week in fashion. Would you watch? I most certainly would tune in! Gone are the days when we sit by and allow fashion injustices to live another day without someone talking about it or simply bringing it to the attention of others, I mean isn't that what socializing and  media networking is all about? What do you think my friends, Is Fashion Talk TV the wave of the future,  Is it time to give Fashion a Voice? Or am I just a dreamer....Soundoff and let me know your thoughts! Thanks and Have a Great Day!

Do you Dream in Fashion?

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