Happy Hump Day Fabulites! Hope everyone is staying warm wherever you are and ready for the Frugal Flirty N Fab Kicks of the Day! I apologize for the late day post but between working part time from home, luving up on my 3 week old, and trying to run a successful household I consider myself damn lucky to even be able to post, I AM WOMAN HEAR ME ROAR! Now let's get into my Kick of the Day.What I like most about these Penny Sue Vengeance heels is that they offer a range of options meeting the needs of the many facets of Fashionistas! Because while we are One, Variety is the Spice of Lyfe!
While I clearly claimed Vengeance was all mine in my post title, I'd luv to hear your thoughts, Are you out for Vengeance?
I love them! Especially the rainbow snakeskin look ones. Unfortunately they're mostly sold out now :'( Well done on finding time for blogging!
Thanks for commenting Sophie!! The snakeskins are my favorite as well but I'm known to rock a hot pink If I need too!!