South Florida Blog for Fashion & Lifestyle | Frugal Flirty N Fab!: I Do Again with #BestBuyWedding Registry

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I Do Again with #BestBuyWedding Registry

It was supposed to be the happiest day of my life, you know the one that every little girl dreams of. True it was the day I married my best friend and opened some really great Best Buy gifts, it was also a day I really wish I could do over and here are just a couple of the reasons why!
I was pretty young and up until maybe a couple weeks before the wedding happened I was still putting even the major details of the event together. My dress was no where near completed and I still hadn't decided how I wanted to wear my hair or have my makeup done. All I knew was that I wanted to feel like a Princess for the day, oh and marry the man of my dreams of course. Let's fast forward to out Big Day!
When I went to get my hair done I had this picture in my head but for some reason the hairdresser who happened to be a great hairstylist was not able to bring my vision to life. I left the hair salon in tears just dying to make it back home so I could try to get my hair together. If  that wasn't bad enough the hair ran late which caused me to have to do my own makeup and at the time I barely even knew where to begin. So here we are an hour away from the main event and my hair is horrible and my makeup is leaving lots to the imagination. Did I mention that I received my dress on the day of so if anything special was needed there would be no time for that at all. You know how you expect that AhHa moment after you slip your dress on, well that didn't happen. Instead  had to call out for help because one of my straps was longer than the other causing my dress to be straight up weird! So now were have bad hair, bad makeup, and a not so hot dress, shall I continue?
I tried to put my best face forward and head to the church but at this point I was over 2 hours late and didn't even know if my guests would still be there. When my party and I loaded in the limousine I had the worst attitude one has ever experienced and took it out on some members of my party to whom I have since apologized. To make this long story short, we were over 3 hours late for our 4 hour reception, had to use our honeymoon funds to pay the extra funds for the extra time at the reception hall plus we had to call the cops on our limo driver for driving recklessly and endangering the lives of our wedding party. I just wanted it to end and all the pictures taken at the event of me show just that! A miserable and not so happy bride!
There is some good news in this post! In April of 2016 My hubby and I are going to renew our vows and I'm going to give this wedding thing another shot. This time around I'm old enough to appreciate the event for what it is and not sweat the small stuff. This time I will get my hair done early, hire a makeup artist, buy a dress off the rack, complete my Wedding  Registry with Best Buy, and enjoy the day to the fullest with my Hubby!
  As a married couple we  know that experiences are more valuable than things, and we definitely  want our wedding registry to reflect that.  We want the products that will us continue to build our lives together, by enabling everyday as well as special experiences.  It’s not about registering for products; it’s about registering for the experience which is why we are pleased to have Best Buy!
Got an upcoming wedding or Vow Renewal coming up? Have you thought about the great benefits that come with a Best Buy Wedding Registry? I hope this post was able to make you do just that and as always thanks for allowing me to share!
 The reviewer has been compensated in the form of a Best Buy Gift Card and/or received the product/service at a reduced price or for free

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