South Florida Blog for Fashion & Lifestyle | Frugal Flirty N Fab!: How to Conquer Weekly Goals and Look Cute Doing It!

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How to Conquer Weekly Goals and Look Cute Doing It!

Happy Monday FABulites, how was everyone's weekend? I spent my weekend watching one of my favorite movies, Brown Sugar, eating junkfood (Pizza) enjoying my favorite wine (Moscato), took these fab pics to share with you all my new favorite jumpsuit (Cash) and most importantly trying to figure out what changes I can implement this week to take both my blog and business to the next level and that my friends is where the fun begins. There's always lots of talk to keep us motivated but the question I have is where does the motivation end and the hard work begin, Let's talk about it!

Cash/ Boutique Sales Chic/ Jumpsuit
Jumpsuit-Cash-Boutique Sales Chic, Earrings-Gift

You're motivated, pumped up and can't wait to get started, the only question is, What do you do next"? I think the first thing you want to consider when  deciding what goals to act on for the week is just to be realistic about what it is that you want to achieve. Are you trying to double your sales, increase your social media following, start a new heathy eating regimen?  First things first, d themefine your goals, decide why it's important that you achieve them and of course put a action plan in place. once you have mastered this first step you are well on your way. 

Style Trends/ Women's Jumpsuits/ Fashion

The second thing I think it's important to do when setting your weekly goals is to read up and get as much information as possible on the goal you are trying to achieve. For example if you have a goal of doubling your online sales from 10 sales to now 20 a week you need to know exactly what steps to put into place for you to conquer said goal. I am a firm believer that you can learn how to do any and everything on the world wide web, you just have to be open to finding the information and putting it into action. The information you need is right in front of you, now go off, find it, and put it into action!

Online shopping/ Boutique Sales Chic/ trendy Womens Wear

After you've figured out your goal and gotten all the information on how to achieve said goals I think it's important to surround yourself with other people who are also interested in or in the process of achieving that same goal or something similar. There are several ways of doing this. You can join Facebook Groups with people who are looking to do the same things as you. You can search out and find someone who has completed the process your currently involved in and maybe reach out to them with any questions you might have, or you can surround yourself in the environment people with the same goals as you interact such as a mixer, business brunch, happy hour and so on. We've all heard the saying you are only as great as the five people your hang around the most, so get up, get out, and get yourself some goal oriented friends!

Wide leg Jumpsuits/ Dressy Jumpsuits/ Boutique Style Fashions

Last but not least stay true to your weekly goals. No one is perfect so if something happens that throws your briefly off track do your best to get back on and keep it moving. There will always be unforeseen and sometimes even predictable obstacles in your way but the way you handle them will always be the deciding factor on if and when you'll be able to accomplish said goals. Stay strong FABulites and know you got this! Also don't be afraid to reward yourself for accomplishing your goal. It doesn't have to be anything major but just as sure as you beat yourself up for not achieving your goals you owe it to yourself to celebrate a little when you do. I like to reward myself with a little fashion treat of course. In case you were wondering that's how I became to proud owner of this little jumpsuit number. Looking good is feelin good my friends!

Thank you  for allowing me to share with you some of the techniques I use to stay true and motivated to my weekly goals. I  hope you find as much comfort in these tips as I do. What are some of the current things you do to accomplish your weekly goals taking your Brands, Business, and Lifestyles to the next level? Remember, sharing is caring!

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