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Here I Stand!

As I sit at my desk catching up on all the celebrity blogs I am completely devastated by the news that Mr. Confessions himself, Usher Raymond has filed for divorce from his wife Tameka of two years. But what is even more devastating is how we as a people are rejoicing over this fact. After you are done, singing and dancing and giving praise to the almighty for breaking up their union has anyone taken the time to think this is yet another family divided.

Is it true what Tameka always claimed that the reason no one ever supported her marriage to Usher was because she was not the average light skinned, small waist, good hair individual. Although we may never know exactly what ended their union I am forced to sit back and come to the conclusion that Tameka may just be right. Over the past couple months I have repeatedly seen Tameka's postings on Twitter and I have to say they have never been filled with anything but positivity. When I asked around as to why Tameka became hated in the public eye no one could give me a concrete answer. Could it be that self consciously as a people we are the ones still stuck on light skinned blacks getting all the breaks when in actuality we wouldn't have it any other way?

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