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Hey Nicky!

I can still remember like it was just yesterday being voted Ms. Valentine Day of my kindergarten class. I would get to wear my best dress and represent my class in the Valentines Day Cupid Celebration, and for the first time feel what it felt like to be adorned by my peers. I guess even at that age my teacher saw something special in me, and believe me this was just the first of many of my special days. One day during show and tell my teacher had everyone stand up and she asked us what we wanted to be when we grow up. Well of course at that time I didn't know much about being a grown up, but what I did know that there was this beautiful lady who wore the nicest clothes and had lots of friends and nice things and I wanted to be just like her. When it came time for me to stand up and say what I wanted to be I said it loud and proud," I wanted to be a hooker just like Niki from the Young and the Restless Soap Opera. Out of Mrs. Lees shock and dismay she asked me again and I once again said proudly," I want to be a Hooker like Nikki from the Young and the Restless". Mrs. Lee then called me to her desk and asked me if I thought I was being funny and I told her that's what I wanted to be and I wasn't going to change my mind. Mrs. Lee then immediately picked up the phone and called my mother and when I got home I got a whooping for saying what I said in class and my older sister got a whooping for sneaking behind my moms back and watching Young and the Restless when my mother wasn't home.

Parent watch your kids closely and give them a positive role model in thier lives so they will never have to look up to the people they see on tv. My parents did a great job raising me but it wasn't until I got older that I realized I didn't want to be like Nicky, Nicky probably wanted to be more like me.

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