I can honestly and openly admit that I absolutely love reality TV, but when asked if I would ever appear on a reality show that's a different thing. People let's all be honest. We are in the middle of a recession and its getting harder and harder for us to earn the funds necessary to support the kinds of lifestyles we want to lead. A reality show is the perfect way for you to introduce yourselves to the public and find out rather quickly if you have what it takes to survive. In order to be successful the public needs to relate to you and you have to make yourself marketable to any product. If handled correctly that one little reality show could just be the big break you were waiting for and lead to many potential opportunities. I think an example of reality TV gone sour is when you appear on a show and after the season ends the only opportunities you have is showing off your goods in a couple men's magazines. Come on ladies please think outside the box because in the end you'll be happy that you did. I'm not saying there is anything wrong with posing for men's magazines but Id just hope that you'd want something more for yourself. Would I ever appear on a reality TV show, without a doubt, but I guarantee you that I'd be smart about it. What's your take on today's reality TV and would you ever appear on a reality show?
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