South Florida Blog for Fashion & Lifestyle | Frugal Flirty N Fab!: This Is a Man's World

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This Is a Man's World

Ladies I don't know how we got to this point but I am a true believer that things will change. As i was sitting at my son's football practice and looking around at all the little boys dreaming of having an NFL career I realized that right now that's not a dream any little girls are having. I don't know about you but I don't know of any cheerleaders signing million dollar contracts. When it comes to professional sports men definitely dominate. Why aren't there any professional women football leagues, baseball, soccer, boxing ,or even basketball for that matter. I realize we have a great women's basketball league but we all know its not on the same level as the men's teams. Is this because even today we can only see our women placed in the role of wives and mothers. If football is all about the competition why aren't we paying the big bucks to see women score against each other and perform special touchdown dances? Do you think there will ever come a time when men and women will be treated as equals in the sports arena or will we forever have to depend on showing off the goods to make that extra cash? Let me know what you think.

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