Happy Tuesday FABulites!!! Hope all is well in your neck of the woods. Today was a pretty busy and eventful day for me and we're still far from it being over. Today for the first time in a long time I took the time to sit down and learn a little about the iPhone iMovie App and how I can use it to better my Brand and Blog and let me just say I'm pretty impressed with this video I was able to put together showcasing some of the tips I learned. Without further adieu, I present to you my Top 5 Healthy Habits to Incorporate for an Eventful 2017!
Thanks for taking the time to check out my video and I hope my tips lead to a very eventful 2017 for you and yours! It might not be much to some but I'm pretty damn proud of myself right now. Can I also just say I have a new found respect for all the Vloggers of the world but hey, One day I'll join you but Remember Rome wasn't built in a day!
What tips can you share for putting your best foot forward in the year to come?
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