South Florida Blog for Fashion & Lifestyle | Frugal Flirty N Fab!: Facebook Live- The Frugal Flirty N Fab Experience!

Boutique Sales Chic

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Facebook Live- The Frugal Flirty N Fab Experience!

Hey yall Hey! How's everyone doing today? How was your weekend? My weekend was pretty laid back mainly because of all the rain we experienced and also due to the non stop Memorial Day Weekend we had previously. I spent a majority of my weekend working on Frugal Flirty N Fab and Boutique Sales Chic trying to figure out how I can make them both better for you all and myself and Saturday afternoon the answer came to me out of no where, Go Live!

I absolutely love taking cute pics and  getting that good sun light for the perfectly posed shot but up until recently what I didn't like and had a little fear of was live video. Not sure exactly what it was that scared me about going live on Facebook or Instagram but I honestly stayed away from it for as long as I could, that was up until this past Saturday. Did you know that going live on social media could increase both visits to your site and shop significantly? We are also living in the days where people have very little time to read your 1000 word blog post but are now more likely to click on your live footage. Knowing this I decided to set my fears aside and actually completed my very first live video for Boutique Sales Chic. Below is a little snippet of my pre going live session, Take a look!

Surprisingly and for the very first time ever I actually enjoyed going live and I'm really looking forward to doing it again this coming Saturday. From here on in I plan on going live every Saturday for Boutique Sales Chic and doing way more event live presentations for Frugal Flirty N Fab! I'm looking forward to growing my brand  while also forming a connection with each of you on a more personal level and going live definitely gives me the ability to do that. Click here to review my completed live coverage.

What do you think of your favorite Brands and Bloggers providing you with live coverage? What are some of the things you like and dislike seeing? Most importantly what are your thoughts on my live snippet and are you interested in tuning in to my weekly fashion coverage?  Thanks for everything and I can't wait to see your feedback!

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