Hello FABulites! I hope you all enjoyed a super fantastic weekend! I most certainly did! I am super elated writing this post tonight and I owe it all to Robert Brace and the D28 Challenge! What's the D28 Challenge you ask, Well rest assured I'm going to tell you all about it!!
My struggles to lose the baby weight after having BabyFab nearly 2years ago have been a constant struggle that I've discussed on numerous occasions. I tried to lose the weight by working out, I tried to lose the weight with fad diets, I tried to lose the weight by eating less but nothing worked! Nothing until last week when I started the D28 for life Program.
The D28 for Life Program was created by Robert Brace, a renowned professional ballet dancer who overcame a life-changing injury only to excel to the top of his profession. Robert figured out that strategies combined with daily motivation equals success. The customized exercise program includes powerful targeted fat burning exercises to trim and tone your abs, back, buns, and thighs while the eating plan provides you with healthy recipes not just for the program but hopefully for the rest of your life. Daily Motivation, fat burning exercises, and a healthy eating plan, what more could you ask for?
It's been a little over a week since I started the D28 Challenge and I can honestly say I haven't felt this wonderful in years. I even decided to take my healthy eating up a notch by eliminating my daily cup of coffee plus both white bread and white rice from my diet. The results have so far been amazing. I have tons more energy, I'm able to workout longer and I'm finally seeing some weight loss progress! In just one week I'm already down 7lbs and too excited for my morning workouts!
I have to admit I'm most excited about the Eating Strategies and Nutrition Guide that comes with the D28 Program. It takes all the guess work out of what you should have to eat on certain days and even provides you with a complete grocery list so you know without a doubt what you should and shouldn't buy to complete the challenge. Absolutely Amazing!!
Just to make sure you stay on the right track you'll also be provide with a 28 day calendar telling you exactly what exercises and physical activities should be done on each day as well as what meals should be consumes. The D28 takes all of the guess work out if for you and simply ask that follow along and watch that baby weight fall to the waste side! Exactly what I needed!
D28 Looks damn good on me if I may say so myself and could look good on you as well. As a special offer to the followers of the Frugal Flirty N Fab who are interested in joining me on the D28 program. You can order your very own D28 Day Challenge by visiting www.d28forlife.com and USE CODE DMCMILLANFF for a special Coupon code. Trust me you won't be sorry!
Looking to make a change to the way you think, the way you workout, and the way you eat? D28 is definitely the thing for you! Accept the Challenge Today!
Thanks for allowing me to share with you my current D28 experience. Make sure to check back in with me next week to see if any additional progress has been made or if' I've managed to fall off the wagon again, Which I seriously doubt but I guess you'll just have to tune in to find out!
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