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Making Memories with FabKids!

Happy Sunday FABulites! Normally I don't do too many Sunday post but after having such a Fab weekend with my FabKids  BabyFab and FabJr. I was inspired to share our Saturday evening with you. With the addition of BabyFab things have been a  little different this year. Its been really hard finding activities that could keep the interest of an  11 year old and 9 month old  but I think I found one such event, The Beach!

 Frugal Flirty N Fab

I really wanted to get out an get a little exercise so I loaded BabyFab and FabJr into the car and we headed to Hollywood Boardwalk. I'm not exactly sure how far the boardwalk goes but back when I was training for the marathon I could easily get on it and jog 8 miles with no problem. What I enjoy most about the boardwalk is the group of people and families all out to do the same thing we were doing, enjoy the beach, get a bite to eat, and take in the scenery. It was absolutely perfect especially since I've been felling like my boys are growing up so fast and I always want them to be able to think back on positive memories of just us. What are some thing you like to do with you family to ensure one of a kind special memories?

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