FABulites, Can we talk? I have an issue that's been weighing kinda heavy on my conscious since it happened and I'd Love the chance to share it with each of you and maybe get some feedback. You see for so long I've wondered exactly what I'd use my voice and blogging platform for besides the obvious lifestyle post and as this situation transpired I knew I'd suddenly figured it out. Now the question was, Does My Voice Matter?
If you know anything about the Frugal Flirty N Fab it's that I greatly enjoy hitting up the movie theatre and catching all the latest and greatest flicks, even posted about it here. Because I'm a Mom who loves spending time with my family, that normally means BabyFab and FabJr are in tow. BabFab who's now 18 months probably started attending when he was maybe 3 months old and I think the situation was fairly similar with FabJr if I recall correctly. I guess you can say it's our thing and I wouldn't have it any other way!
During our latest visit which took place maybe a week ago, we were advised by the ticketing staff that BabyFab had to purchase a ticket as well. At first I thought the ticketing agent might have been a little too young to understand that my baby was only one. That's when she shared with me that all kids ages 1-11 had to purchase movie tickets. This news was a major shock to me. I mean Disney doesn't even charge for 1 yr olds!
We bought the tickets and proceeded into the theatre but the fact that we'd just spent nearly $10 on a movie ticket for a 1yr old didn't sit well with me so I took it upon myself to find a manager and once again inquire about the ticketing policy. Once again she confirmed all kids 1-11 were required to purchase a childs ticket. I was in shock! I also reviewed Cinematks Fact and this is how it reads all big and bold on the site!
What is Cinemark's age break for a child?
A child is considered age 1 - 11 years old.
I then did what any Blogger would do and I sent an email to Cinemark stating my dislike of the policy and why I thought this particular policy needed to be changed. I explained in my email the policy made me feel as a Mom that my 1yr old wasn't welcomed/I mean what else could the reason be for charging a Toddler entry besides Corporate Greed or simply wanting parents to refrain from bringing their kids. I can totally understand charging for a 2 yr old who has the actual ability to sit and watch a brief childrens movie, but an 18 month old who'd be sleep before the previews could even finish is something else!
To my surprise the manager of Cinemark responding basically blowing me off and stating that as the Father of 3 small kids he completely understood my frustration but I feel he really has no idea. I mean who approved this policy, has anyone ever complained before, why would any large corporation treat it's family oriented patrons this way, Yes I had questions! I realize I have the option of just not returning to that particular movie theatre But I decided to take it a step further and try to possibly get the policy changed for the single mothers that can't afford to purchase an extra ticket, for the Parents who like being able to bring their kids to the movies without having to worry about getting a sitter, and for all the hardworking folks who know the value of their hard earned dollars and just don't think that it's fair!
FABulites, Have you ever had to pay for your one year old to attend a movie, Do you agree or Disagree with Cinemarks Policy, Is the voice of the Frugal Flirty N Fab enough to maybe get this policy changed, and last but not least, Does My Voice Matter? If you too disagree with Cinemark's policy, tweet, pin, share this post and leave me a comment below!
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